Practice Management Integration now in BETA!
It comes with great pride and excitement to announce that our practice management integration with Aloha ABA! Maybe it's coincidence that Hawaii-based Motivity and Aloha ABA have a partnership, but we couldn't be happier to bring this incredible feature add-on to our customers.
With this integration you're able to sync staff and client information, view appointments within Motivity, and connect crucial appointment and billing data to clinical session notes.
If you'd like to join our BETA program and you currently have less than 20 learners and are in a single time zone, get in touch with your CSC for more information!

Redesign of Chart Options
As we continue to add more and more features and functionality to our charts, it only made sense to redesign how you interact with those features. You'll now see a cleaner, more streamlined design of our chart options both on desktop and mobile!

Filter Out Indeterminate Sessions on Charts
You now have the ability to filter out any and all indeterminate sessions while viewing target charts within Motivity. Use the checkbox within Chart Options to turn indeterminate sessions on or off.
- Indeterminate sessions will be shown by default.
- If you filter out indeterminate sessions, this setting will be remembered for you and this chart only.
- Toggling this checkbox on/off should will also change the weighted average of the data points being shown.

Continuing Education Now Included with Motivity
If you haven't seen our new webinar series, here is a quick way to access any and all of Motivity's CEUs from the application. We even have a single sign-on with the Thinkific platform so you don't need to create a new login!