Special Education

Achieve optimal clinical & educational outcomes using our state-of-the-art tools.

Designed to exceed the needs of learners with autism in a school setting, with an interface that is intuitive, simple, and embraced by support staff.

Specialized School Demos

No upcoming specialized school webinars this month.
Watch a school-focused demo

Easily align IEP goals and data collection methods.

You can use our versatile built-in libraries to align with IEP goals and data collection methods across programs and classrooms.

Use simplified data collection methods.

You can use simplified data collection methods, such as indicating whether a target was taught for the day; and then progress to a custom "data day" phase.

Utilize unique scoring systems.

We support unique scoring systems, such as rubrics, commercial curricula tracking, PEAK, SBT, custom prompt scoring, and interval recording; which can all be used quickly and easily.

Assign specific goals or targets to specific staff.

You can assign specific goals/targets to specific staff, so they see only what is needed for their role. Not only does this streamline each person's day-to-day, but allows for collaboration between providers (ABA, Speech, OT, PT).

Access Motivity on any type of device.

No need to budget for costly devices or download specific browsers. A guaranteed 99.9% uptime, with no lost data.

Track behavior reduction data.

You can create an easy-to-navigate, customized interface to record ABC data, duration, frequency, intensity, and intervals; either in real-time or after the incident has occurred.

Create Custom "Data Day" Phases

Take a look at one of our recent Instagram reels about a simple data collection method used for data days.
software ASSESSMENT toolkit

Ensure You Choose the Right Software!

Download ABC for Autism's detailed spreadsheet and workflows for choosing an ideal ABA software provider for your practice or specialized school. Read the case study →
We'll send you an email with the download link.