Practice Management Integration Now Available
We're proud to say that our BETA program has been successful and we're opening this integration to all current and new Motivity users!
With this integration you're able to sync staff and client information, view appointments within Motivity, and connect crucial appointment and billing data to clinical session notes.

Completed Target List on Cumulative Charts
The cumulative charts have received an update to show a list of all of the completed targets below the chart. You're able to change the date range of the chart and see the target list below the chart change as well.
BONUS: Did you notice we also added the x-axis label for Date?! This is visible on all charts.

Header and Footer Data Now on Session Notes
You now have the ability to add our fixed header and footer onto your session notes when printing them to a PDF. Some requirements:
- Browser: Google Chrome
- In the print dialog, choose Destination: Save as PDF
- Be sure that Margins: Default
- If there is a Headers and footers option, be sure to check it.
The header will contain:
- Organization Name
- Learner Name
- Learner Date of Birth
The footer will contain the current page number.