VB-MAPP Skill Library in Motivity
You can now access the VB-MAPP Skill Library within Motivity! In the same way that you currently access the Motivity Community Library, you will now see the VB-MAPP Skill Library below it. The Motivity VB-MAPP Skill library is now free for all Motivity users!
Read our detailed blog, or contact your Customer Success Consultant directly to discuss pricing options for your organization.

Zero Occurrences for "Throughout the Day" Targets
We've now added a way to not only track zero occurrences, but also assess zero occurrences while taking data Throughout the Day. A new Zero Data button can be seen in the toolbar while collecting data, and can be used at any time.

Simulation Across Targets set to "Throughout the Day"
Previously there was not a way to simulate data across targets that were set to be taken throughout the day. You can now test all of your transition rules for across n users and n sessions for daily data right in the simulation, to make sure your programs are set up exactly how you want.
Notes Section in Org Profile
You now have access to a custom Notes section within your organization profile. Use this as a place to store important links (training materials, videos, etc) or pieces of information you do not want to forget and need easily accessible.

User Interface Warning: Total Target Limit
If you happen to see our new user interface warnings regarding total target limit, you may want to consider reorganizing your program books. These warnings were introduced to maximize the performance of your programs, while still giving you great flexibility and creativity with your programs.