LaKeysha Cobbs-Hayes, MA, BCBA of Key Essentials uses Motivity's robust permissions and note templates to give the parents and caregivers of her clients exactly what they need.
LaKeysha Cobbs-Hayes, MA, BCBA of Key Essentials uses Motivity's robust permissions and note templates to give the parents and caregivers of her clients exactly what they need.
LaKeysha Cobbs-Hayes, MA, BCBA of Key Essentials uses Motivity's robust permissions and note templates to give the parents and caregivers of her clients exactly what they need.
Take any existing note or report and quickly clone that note to reuse existing summaries, demographic information, and more.
No more manual entry! Automatically import names, dates, diagnostic criteria, and more into your reports with Motivity. Save time and stay accurate.
Link your appointments to Motivity session notes to easily manage discrepancies.