Motivator Spotlight: LaKeysha Cobbs-Hayes from Key Essentials


We’re thrilled to feature LaKeysha Cobbs-Hayes, the owner of Key Essentials. Her journey is incredible and she dives deep into what got her to the place she is today and what makes her so successful.

Can you share your journey in ABA therapy and what inspired you to pursue it?

My journey in ABA therapy is deeply rooted in personal experience and a passion for making a difference. It began in 1999 when I started working as a paraeducator with the Los Angeles County Office of Education. For over a decade, I immersed myself in the educational environment, supporting teachers, collaborating with speech therapists, and facilitating small group programs. This experience was truly eye-opening, providing me with invaluable insights into the diverse needs of children in educational settings.

What struck me most during this time was the incredible potential for growth and development in every child, regardless of their challenges. I witnessed firsthand how targeted interventions could significantly impact a child's life. This realization sparked a deep curiosity about more specialized approaches to supporting children with developmental disabilities.

As I learned more about Applied Behavior Analysis, I was captivated by its scientific approach and its potential for creating meaningful, measurable changes in behavior. I decided to transition into this field, starting as a Behavior Technician. This role allowed me to work directly with children and their families, applying ABA principles in real-world settings. The positive changes I observed in my clients fueled my passion and motivated me to advance my knowledge and skills in the field.

My journey culminated in becoming a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst in 2016, a milestone that opened new doors and perspectives. However, as I progressed in my career, I noticed a significant gap in our field – a lack of minority representation among ABA practitioners. This observation was particularly striking given the high prevalence of developmental disabilities in minority communities.

This realization became the catalyst for founding Key Essentials to Behavior Management Corp in 2016. I envisioned a company that would not only provide high-quality ABA services but also address the critical need for diversity in our field. Our mission extends beyond traditional ABA therapy; we are dedicated to empowering and training minority interventionists, fostering a more diverse and representative workforce.

This journey has been challenging at times, but incredibly rewarding. Each step has reinforced my belief in the transformative power of ABA and the importance of culturally competent care. Today, I'm proud to lead an organization that's not only changing lives through effective ABA therapy but also shaping the future of our field by promoting diversity and inclusion.

What's been the most rewarding aspect of your role as a BCBA or clinical owner?

The most rewarding aspect of my role as a BCBA and clinical owner has been the opportunity to create positive change that extends far beyond individual therapy sessions. It's a multifaceted satisfaction that touches on several key areas.

First and foremost, witnessing the progress of our clients is incredibly fulfilling. There's nothing quite like seeing a child who once struggled to communicate express their needs clearly, or watching a teenager who battled with social anxiety confidently engage with peers. These moments of breakthrough, big and small, remind me why I chose this field. Each smile from a parent who's seen their child achieve a goal they once thought impossible is a powerful affirmation of the work we do.

However, what sets my experience as a clinical owner apart is the ability to magnify this impact. By building and leading a team at Key Essentials, I'm not just helping individual clients – I'm creating a platform for numerous professionals (business owners, leaders, and entrepreneurs) to do the same with Strategic Behavior Consultants and the True CEO Accelerator Program. Watching them grow, develop their skills, and become leaders and business owners in their own right has been incredibly rewarding. I see it as nurturing a forest, not just tending to individual trees.

One of the most gratifying aspects has been our focus on empowering minority interventionists. By providing opportunities, mentorship, and a supportive environment for professionals from diverse backgrounds, we're addressing a critical need in our field. It's rewarding to see these individuals not only succeed in their careers but also bring unique perspectives and cultural competencies that enhance our services.

This approach has created a beautiful synergy. Our diverse team is better equipped to connect with and understand the varied needs of the families we serve. We're breaking down cultural barriers, building trust, and providing more effective, culturally sensitive care. The positive feedback we receive from families who feel truly understood and supported is immensely gratifying.

Moreover, as a clinical owner, I have the opportunity to shape our approach to ABA therapy. Developing and implementing our S.O.C.I.A.L. P.O.D.S. framework has been a labor of love. Seeing this innovative approach make a real difference in the lives of our clients and receiving recognition from peers in the field is deeply rewarding.

Lastly, there's a profound satisfaction in knowing that we're contributing to the evolution of ABA therapy as a whole. By promoting diversity, introducing innovative methodologies, and sharing our insights with the broader community, we're playing a part in advancing our field. It's rewarding to think that our work today might influence how ABA therapy is practiced in the future, potentially benefiting countless individuals beyond our immediate reach.

In essence, the most rewarding aspect of my role is the ability to create positive change on multiple levels – for our clients, our team members, our community, and our field as a whole. It's a responsibility I cherish and a source of continual motivation to push boundaries and strive for excellence in everything we do at Key Essentials.

How has your experience been using Motivity?

Integrating Motivity into our practice at Key Essentials has been a game-changing experience. It's revolutionized how we approach data collection, progress tracking, and communication with families. The impact has been profound, enhancing our efficiency, accuracy, and overall quality of care.

One of the standout features of Motivity is its customizable data collection templates. In ABA therapy, one size doesn't fit all, and Motivity understands this perfectly. We can tailor our data collection methods to each child's unique needs and goals. This flexibility is crucial when implementing our S.O.C.I.A.L. P.O.D.S. framework, as it allows us to create specialized templates for each component of our approach.

The mobile app has been a fantastic addition to our team. It enables real-time data input, which has significantly improved the accuracy and immediacy of our interventions. In our group settings, where dynamics can change rapidly, this real-time capability is invaluable. Our therapists can make on-the-spot adjustments based on the most current data, ensuring our interventions are always responsive and effective.

From a BCBA perspective, Motivity's robust graphing and reporting capabilities have been a revelation. The ability to visualize progress trends quickly and easily has enhanced our capacity to make data-driven decisions about treatment plans. We can now view progress across different components of our S.O.C.I.A.L. P.O.D.S. framework at a glance, overlay data from multiple children in our group settings, and even calculate trend lines and statistical analyses automatically. This depth of analysis provides us with deeper insights into the effectiveness of our interventions, allowing us to fine-tune our approach continuously.

The streamlining of documentation has been another significant benefit. Motivity's automatic import of demographic information and session data into reports has been a tremendous time-saver. We can now generate comprehensive, accurate reports with minimal manual input. This not only reduces the administrative burden on our team but also allows us to demonstrate medical necessity more effectively. The time saved on paperwork translates directly into more time for direct client care and program planning, enhancing the overall quality of our services.

Motivity has also aligned perfectly with our philosophy of collaborative care through its parent/caregiver data collection tools. By empowering parents to take an active role in data collection, we're gathering more comprehensive data across different environments. This has increased family engagement in the therapy process and promoted skill generalization by ensuring consistency between therapy sessions and home environments.

The platform's ability to facilitate better communication between our team and the families we serve has been particularly valuable. The transparency and accessibility of our data through Motivity have led to higher levels of family involvement and satisfaction with our services. Parents feel more connected to their child's progress and better equipped to support their development outside of therapy sessions.

While the transition to any new system can be challenging, our experience with Motivity has been overwhelmingly positive. The platform's intuitive design and excellent support have made the learning curve manageable for our team. Moreover, the benefits we've seen in terms of improved data accuracy, efficiency, and client outcomes have far outweighed any initial adjustment period.

Motivity has become an integral part of our practice at Key Essentials. It's not just a tool; it's a partner in our mission to provide innovative, effective, and personalized ABA therapy. The platform's capabilities have allowed us to take our S.O.C.I.A.L. P.O.D.S. framework to new heights of effectiveness, ultimately benefiting the children and families we serve.

Share one powerful ABA strategy or technique you find impactful for your clients.

One of the most powerful and impactful ABA strategies we've developed and implemented at Key Essentials is our S.O.C.I.A.L. P.O.D.S. framework, particularly the component we call Collaborative Communication Pods. This approach represents a synthesis of core ABA principles with innovative group-based interventions, designed to address not just individual skills but also social dynamics and real-world application.

At the heart of this strategy is the integration of three fundamental ABA techniques: Discrete Trial Training (DTT), Natural Environment Teaching (NET), and Verbal Behavior (VB). However, what makes our approach unique is how we apply these techniques within a social context, enhancing their effectiveness and generalizability.

Let me break down how this works in practice:

  1. Discrete Trial Training (DTT) in a Social Context: Traditionally, DTT is conducted in a one-on-one setting, focusing on teaching specific skills through repetition and reinforcement. In our Collaborative Communication Pods, we've adapted DTT to work within small group settings. For example, we might set up a structured activity where children take turns asking and answering questions about a shared experience, like a field trip. This allows us to target specific language skills (the discrete trials) while simultaneously promoting social interaction and turn-taking.
  2. Natural Environment Teaching (NET) in Group Dynamics: NET involves teaching skills in the context where they're naturally used. We take this principle and apply it to our group settings, creating scenarios that mimic real-world social situations. For instance, we might set up a pretend restaurant where children need to order food, engage in small talk, and practice table manners. This not only teaches communication skills but also social etiquette and adaptive behaviors in a naturalistic context.
  3. Verbal Behavior (VB) for Social Connection: Our application of VB goes beyond teaching children to label objects or make requests. We focus on the social functions of language – how to use words to build relationships, express emotions, and navigate social situations. In our pods, children might practice giving compliments, sharing personal stories, or resolving conflicts verbally. This approach helps children understand the power of language in forming and maintaining social connections.

What makes this strategy particularly powerful is its holistic nature. By combining these techniques in a social setting, we're not just teaching isolated skills – we're helping children develop a comprehensive set of social-communication abilities. Here are some key benefits we've observed:

  • Enhanced Generalization: Skills learned in this social context are more easily transferred to real-world situations.
  • Peer Modeling: Children learn not just from the therapists but also from observing and interacting with their peers.
  • Motivation: The social nature of the activities often increases children's engagement and motivation to participate.
  • Practical Application: Children immediately practice using their new skills in realistic social scenarios.
  • Comprehensive Skill Development: This approach simultaneously targets communication, social skills, emotional regulation, and adaptive behaviors.

We've seen remarkable progress in our clients using this approach. Children who initially struggled with basic social interactions have blossomed into confident communicators. We've witnessed increased spontaneous communication, improved social problem-solving skills, and greater overall social competence.

This strategy exemplifies our commitment at Key Essentials to not just apply ABA principles by the book, but to innovate and adapt these principles to meet the complex, real-world needs of our clients. It's a powerful testament to how ABA can be evolved to create more comprehensive, socially valid interventions that prepare children for success in all areas of life.

Outside of work, what's a hobby or interest you're passionate about and how do you balance it with your professional life?

Outside of my professional commitments, I'm deeply passionate about personal development and spending quality time with my family. These aren't just hobbies or interests; they're integral parts of my life that complement and enhance my professional journey in meaningful ways.

Personal development is a lifelong passion that aligns closely with my professional ethos. I'm a firm believer in continuous growth and learning, not just for the individuals we serve at Key Essentials, but for myself as well. This passion manifests in various ways – from voracious reading of books on psychology, leadership, and behavioral science, to attending workshops and conferences that push the boundaries of my knowledge.

I'm particularly drawn to exploring new methodologies in personal growth and mindfulness practices. Meditation, for instance, has become an essential part of my daily routine. It not only helps me maintain balance and clarity in my busy life but also enhances my ability to be present and focused in both my personal and professional interactions.

Another aspect of personal development that I'm passionate about is physical fitness. I believe in the strong connection between physical health and mental well-being. Regular exercise, whether it's an early morning run or a yoga session, helps me stay energized and focused throughout the day. It's also a great way to clear my mind and often leads to some of my most creative ideas for Key Essentials.

Equally important to me is my family time. As a mother of six children, my family is not just a part of my life – it's a central pillar that gives meaning and purpose to everything I do. Spending quality time with my children and husband is not just enjoyable; it's essential for my overall well-being and effectiveness as a leader.

Outside of my professional commitments, I'm deeply passionate about personal development.  I'm also blessed to be a mother of six grown children and a grandmother to one adorable grandchild. These aren't just hobbies or interests; they're integral parts of my life that complement and enhance my professional journey in meaningful ways.

Balancing these interests with my professional life requires intentional effort and effective time management. Here are some strategies I've developed over the years:

  1. Setting Clear Boundaries: I dedicate specific hours to work and ensure that when I'm with my family, I'm fully present and engaged. This separation allows me to recharge and gain new perspectives.
  2. Integrating Passions: I often find ways to integrate my personal development activities with family time. For example, we might practice mindfulness exercises together or engage in physical activities as a family.
  3. Prioritization: I regularly reassess my priorities to ensure I'm allocating my time and energy to what matters most, both personally and professionally.
  4. Flexible Scheduling: I take advantage of flexible work hours when possible, allowing me to attend important family events or engage in personal development activities without compromising my professional responsibilities.
  5. Continuous Communication: I maintain open lines of communication with both my family and my team at work. This helps in managing expectations and finding creative solutions when conflicts arise.
  6. Self-Reflection: I regularly take time to reflect on my work-life balance, making adjustments as needed to ensure neither aspect of my life is neglected.

What I've found most interesting is how these personal interests actually enhance my professional performance. The skills I develop through personal growth often directly apply to my work in ABA therapy and business management. For instance, the patience and adaptability I've cultivated as a parent of six translate directly into how I approach challenges at work.Similarly, the challenges and joys of family life provide valuable insights into the experiences of the families we serve at Key Essentials. This firsthand understanding allows me to approach our work with greater empathy and insight, often leading to more effective and compassionate interventions.

Moreover, my commitment to personal development sets an example for both my children and my team at Key Essentials. It reinforces the importance of lifelong learning and continuous improvement – values that are central to our approach in ABA therapy.

In conclusion, I view my personal interests not as separate from my professional life, but as integral components that contribute to my overall effectiveness as a BCBA and business owner. This holistic approach has been key to maintaining balance, finding fulfillment, and continually evolving both personally and professionally. It's a challenging juggling act at times, but one that I find immensely rewarding and essential to my success.

One thing you love about Motivity?

One aspect of Motivity that I particularly love is its practicality and user-friendliness. In the fast-paced world of ABA therapy, having a tool that's both powerful and easy to use is invaluable, and Motivity delivers on both fronts.

The intuitive design of Motivity's interface stands out immediately. When we first implemented the system at Key Essentials, I was impressed by how quickly our team, regardless of their tech-savviness, adapted to using it. The learning curve was surprisingly short, which meant we could focus on providing care rather than grappling with new technology.

The mobile app is a perfect example of this user-friendly design. Our therapists can easily input data in real-time during sessions without it feeling intrusive or complicated. The app's layout is clean and straightforward, with large, easy-to-tap buttons and clear labels. This simplicity is crucial when you're trying to record data while actively engaging with a child.

Another practical feature I appreciate is the customizable dashboard. Each team member can set up their dashboard to display the information most relevant to their role. For BCBAs, this might mean having quick access to client progress charts and pending reports. For therapists, it could be their daily schedule and data collection forms for upcoming sessions. This customization allows everyone to work more efficiently, accessing what they need with just a few clicks.

The system's search and filter functions are also remarkably practical. In a matter of seconds, we can pull up a client's history, specific behavioral incidents, or particular skill acquisitions. This quick access to information is invaluable during team meetings or when we need to make on-the-spot decisions about a client's treatment plan.Motivity's report generation feature is another area where its practicality shines. The system takes the data we've input and automatically generates clear, professional-looking reports. We can easily customize these reports, choosing which data to include and how to present it. This feature not only saves time but also ensures consistency in our reporting across the organization.

The platform's collaborative features have greatly enhanced our team's ability to work together effectively. The comment and note-sharing functions allow therapists and BCBAs to communicate seamlessly about a client's progress or concerns. This real-time collaboration ensures everyone is on the same page and can provide consistent, coordinated care.

From an administrative standpoint, Motivity's user management system is straightforward and secure. As the owner, I appreciate how easy it is to set up new users, manage permissions, and ensure data privacy. The ability to quickly onboard new team members or adjust access levels as roles change is a practical feature that supports our growing organization.

Lastly, I can't overlook the excellent support provided by the Motivity team. Whenever we've had questions or encountered issues, their responsive and knowledgeable support staff have been quick to assist. This level of support adds to the overall user-friendliness of the platform, giving our team confidence in using the system to its full potential.

In essence, what I love most about Motivity is how it seamlessly integrates into our daily operations. Its practicality and user-friendliness mean that technology enhances rather than hinders our work. It allows our team to focus on what they do best – providing high-quality ABA therapy – without getting bogged down in complex systems or time-consuming data entry. In the end, this translates to better care for our clients and a more efficient, effective operation for Key Essentials.


Integration-Specific Demos

Dec 11
3:30 pm
Marc Malheiro
Community Manager

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