Regardless of how long one has been studying or practicing, at one point or another, we all find ourselves in icky, tricky, sticky situations. Encountering an ethical challenge or conflict can feel a lot like walking face-first into a spider web (Kelly et al., 2023). At first, you may not see the ethical challenges that lie ahead of you, just as you may not see the web as you approach it. Just as someone might instinctually panic when walking into a spider web, as behavior analysts, we might feel a sense of panic or uncertainty when we find ourselves in the midst of an ethical conflict. It is natural for us to feel overwhelmed or uncertain when facing complex ethical challenges. However, with training and experience, support, and guidance, we can learn to approach ethical conflicts with calm and confidence, carefully navigating forward in ways that uphold the rights of our clients and the promises of our field.
This presentation will review several ethics scenarios, applicable to early career analysts and seasoned analysts alike. Scenarios discussed will include multiple settings (e.g., school, home, clinic, community) and will be reviewed using a 6-step ethics decision-making model.
Attendees will:
1. List three ethics resources published in the past two years.
2. List the steps to the 6-step ethics decision making model reviewed.
3. List two lessons we can learn about ethics from walking face first into spider webs.