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The Seven Deadly Sins of Behavior Analysts

July 8, 2021
Written by:
Guest Author:
Emaley McCulloch
This is a guest post written by:
Emaley McCulloch

As the field of Behavior Analysis grows and becomes more recognized in mainstream healthcare, we must overcome some of our past “sins” in order to be good ambassadors for our science. A good ambassador brings people together while remaining loyal to what he or she represents. In looking back at my own failures, past attitudes, and what I have learned, I have listed “seven deadly sins” to overcome or avoid as we strive to build bridges in healthcare and education.

Sin #1: Arrogance

It’s one thing to be proud of the science of applied behavior analysis, it’s another thing to set yourself up as the one with all the answers. In my experience working in a company with many different health professionals including doctors, nurses, social workers, speech and language pathologists, psychologists, etc., many of these professionals view the field of behavior analysis as people who think they have the answer to every problem. We all have experienced a manager or consultant observe a few hours of our work, and then tell us what we are all doing wrong. Even if they are right, we often get turned off by their message because of the way it’s delivered. True ambassadors of the science show respect for others’ contributions and gain the confidence of the team through listening to them, getting into the trenches with them, and effectively communicating the strategies in a way they can understand.

Sin #2: Dismissive of Medical Issues

Let’s just get this out there—physical wellness affects behavior. When a person is in pain, they will engage in behavior that will lessen the pain. When they are fatigued, they will engage in behavior that will allow them to access rest. Many of the clients we serve are not able to communicate their pain or discomfort. I had an experience with a client who would knuckle bite until he bled. In our Functional Analysis, the data indicated the function was clearly an escape of demands. The parents didn’t agree with our analysis because all behavioral interventions for escape they had tried in the past had not reduced his knuckle-biting. They took him to a doctor who told them he had acid reflux and that his knuckle-biting was a result of the pain. The doctor recommended a very restricted diet until his stomach healed. I grudgingly went along with the parent’s wishes but was frustrated that this already underweight boy could not access any treats as reinforcers for the next few months. Well, soon after this diet was implemented, his knuckle-biting faded away. We had not changed the behavior plan, so the most obvious explanation was his new diet. I had to swallow my pride and be open to considering/ruling out medical issues before deciding on a course of action. I also learned to be less judgmental of medical interventions that parents want to try as long as they are safe.

Sin #3: Unwilling to Get in the Trenches

I heard a highly respected behavior analyst once say, “When working in a team with a client, the person in the room who is being paid the highest, should be the one in the chair.” The best mentors are the ones that are not afraid to “walk the walk”. It will also keep your skills in check and allow you to put yourself in your staffs’ shoes.

Sin #4: Unrelatable

“…When writing the BIP, I conducted an FBA and FA in order to determine the MOs, SDs, and ABCs of the Behavior…” Just like most health care fields, ours has no shortage of acronyms and scientific terms. Other fields have been more successful in relating their science in acceptable ways to the general public. There are ways to make our science accessible to others by the way we explain it. Use words that a layperson would understand, such as motivation, trigger, rewards, and praise. You are not disrespecting or watering down the science when you speak in a way that others can relate to and understand.

Sin #5: Internal Competition

There is a popular saying that we need to remember in this field: “Supporting another’s success won’t ever dampen yours.” We are all in this together and there are plenty of problems in the world to go around for us to solve. When someone accomplishes something, especially a fellow behavior analyst, lift them up and provide support by praising them, sharing their accomplishment with others, and participating in what they have created or have to say.  Remember that true success isn’t about what you accomplish, but what you inspire others to do.

Sin #6: Ignoring the Contributions of Other Sciences

In an archived article, Why Behavior Analysis Needs to Keep with Other Sciences, Chelsea Wilhite outlines two reasons why our field would benefit from knowledge and strategies from other sciences. “One, behavioral science is not as effective as it can be if we are ignorant of scientific developments in other fields. Two, we are at risk of doing to other specialists exactly what bothers us about outside perceptions of behavior analysis: that the field is antiquated and inaccurate.” The country’s healthcare system is moving more and more into integrated care, and as physical health professions start to integrate into mental health professions, we need to be able to work together and acknowledge what we can contribute and what other sciences can contribute to healthcare as a whole.

Sin #7: Staying in Our Bubble

With all that said, we are good at one thing.  We are good at gaining acceptance and buy-in with what we do within our own field. We create beautiful solutions to problems and present them at Behavior Analysis conferences and publish them in Behavior Analysis journals. This needs to change! We need to reach out of our comfort zones, away from our professional circles and share our research and ideas with broader audiences. Dare to publish a book for a broad audience using relatable terms. Go to another industry conference, not to make mental judgments, but to learn. Co-publish books or research with other professionals in adjacent sciences. Publish these books and research articles in non-behavioral journals.

I truly believe that the field of behavior analysis is approaching our moment to shine. Let’s make sure that we are so good, they can’t ignore us! What are some other deadly sins of behavior analysts that you think we need to overcome?


Integration-Specific Demos

Apr 16
3:00 pm
Emaley McCulloch
Chief Clinical Officer

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